If you believe that nasty, nameless, scary "toxins" are stuck in your body's exit tunnel, and they need to be...um...pressured into leaving, has Groupon got a deal for you! Fancy schmanchy pricey enemas!
According to the ad, "Certified hydrotherapists assist with internal cleansing sessions by massaging clients' bellies to drive out impacted toxins." Certified hydrotherapists! So you know that this can't be quackery. These are serious professionals who know how to give someone an enema.
"Over 60" of these bargain sessions have been snapped up already, so "the deal is on!" Hurry! You have only three days left to pay to have water squirted up your ass for no good reason.
The Community College of Baltimore County is one of the Baltimore area's most shameful promoter of woo via its Continuing Education courses. Because, really, nothing says "continuing education" like teaching nonsense to the community. I've previously written about CCBC's woo-teaching continuing ed courses here, here, here, and here. Among CCBC's September - December 2012 Continuing Education course offerings are an expanded list of courses in Paranormal Phenomena. Now, there's not just one class in Ghost Studies, there are three, plus "Paranormal Truth." Woo-hoo?
Wondering why the ghost hunting classes have "FIT" (Fitness) course numbers. Is there a lot of exercise involved in chasing (non-existent) ghosts?
Wow! I can save waste $80 on this diet woo offer from Entertainment.com Deals.
I note that "[s]ince HCG is found in human tissue it's perfectly safe to use." Because you know anything found in human tissue is always perfectly safe to use as a diet aid. Consider, for example, cancer cells. Oh, wait... And look! "[T]he best part is no physical exercise is required." Sounds good for the couch potato set, but leaves me wondering what kind of exercise is required.
It's the "Silver Package"! Plus free shipping and no processing or handling charges! Hard to resist.
My last blog post was in May. That's because my life, like I'm sure yours, has been blissfully woo, religion, and irrationality free. (Pause. One. Two. Three....) Bwahahahahahaha! Yeah, right. Like I'll ever lack material. My intention, at least at the present, is to try to blog more regularly on the nonsense that assails me daily. In addition, I'll post about some of the more egregious or entertaining nonsense that collected in my "Stupid or Silly Stuff" file during my hiatus.